174 St John Street, Oudthsoorninfo@villadekaroo.co.za / +27 61 741 7841



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Our story

Villa de Karoo was literally taken over a few months ago. Renaming and revitalizing this guesthouse that once was known as Bougainvillea B&B. Although Bougainvillea B&B was established 15 years ago, the owners felt that it was time for a new name, look and feeling to this old Karoo House. Just a few touched here and there, making it all brand new.

The new owners, still in their prime years, hope to make this guesthouse as successful as the previous business and even take it to new heights.

The owners, Werner and Zelda Tome, stay on the premises, so there is always someone to assist in the matter of an emergency.

“We have kids of our own, and gladly invite guests to bring their children along.”

Werner and Zelda, your hosts, wishes you a homestay experience.